Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of School

The kids started their Kids Day Out program last week. Overall they did pretty well. James had a hard time when we dropped him off, but they said he settled down and had a pretty good day. Elizabeth was a little bit upset when we dropped her off, but also had a good day - even talked to her teachers some in story time. That's a big deal. Here are our first day pictures. We got them all dressed in their new outfits that they picked out (well James had a little help from us) and they looked WAY too old. I couldn't believe how big they both looked.

We had trouble getting a picture of both of them. This was the best we could do.


ECP said...

James kinda looks like a thug in that pic with both of them. Very blaise about the whole thing.

ECP said...

That's me in the above post...not sure why it says becoming1.